MGR Chennai Central Railway Station, named after former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.G. Ramachandran, is a major railway hub in India. Opened in 1873 and designed by George Harding, the station is renowned for its striking red-brick Indo-Saracenic architecture. Located in the heart of Chennai, it serves as a key junction connecting the city with major destinations like Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Bengaluru, and Hyderabad. Over the years, Chennai Central has expanded to meet growing passenger demands, providing a range of modern facilities such as waiting rooms, restaurants, escalators, and lifts. As both a transportation hub and an architectural landmark, it plays a vital role in the city’s connectivity while preserving its historical significance.

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About Kolam

Kolam prioritizes the values of family, practicality and comfort.We enhance the necessary elements of your stay and eliminate the extraneous.Our convenient, easily accessible, and comfortable apartments and guestrooms provide guests with genuine living and are designed to incorporate the characteristics of the surrounding region, offering each guest a fun and pleasant stay.

Our Team

Maruthu | Guest Experience

Thiru | Guest Support

Tamilarasan | Guest Service

Sundar | Guest Support

Sarath | Guest Caretaking

Ramakanth | Guest Caretaking

Rabi | Guest Caretaking

Praful | Guest Caretaking

Muthukani | Guest Service

Mahalakshmi | Guest Service

Krishna | Guest Culinary

Ilavarasi | Guest Relations

Doniya | Guest Caretaking

Doniya | Guest Service

Arun | Guest Culinary

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Please note that different terms and conditions may apply in relation to online bookings via and affiliated websites, depending on the accommodation or rate type selected. Please carefully read the accommodation rate details that are provided before you make your booking. You are advised to check thoroughly the rate details before making your online reservation. This agreement governs bookings both made by telephone and online.

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Kolam Serviced Apartments exists to care for people who are building a better future for themselves and their families. We extend value and humanity to everyone we serve: our associates, our guests and our communities. With down-to-earth people who go above and beyond, we're a place where genuine care is always there. And, as a hospitality company with a heartbeat, our core values inspire everything that we do.

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